author: Benji Davies
كتاب ذو ورقٍ سميك وقوي.
نوزي كرو ليمتد
Bizzy Bear DIY Day | Benji Davies
خطط الدفع السهلة
مزيد من المعلومات
متوفر فالمتجر
التحقق من التوفّر في المتجر
لاستخدام موقعك الحالي، يُرجى تفعيل خدمات موقع المتصفح الخاص بك. بخلاف ذلك، اختر متجرًا من القائمة، أو استخدم خيار البحث.
أداة العثور على المتجر
Another winning title in this hit series - over 850,000 sold so far! A sturdy board book with five robust mechanisms and flaps to lift. Perfect for inspiring imaginative play.
Bizzy Bear has a very special DIY project planned and he needs lots of tools, and help, to do the job. Young children will love helping Bizzy, Eric, Ralph and Freddy measure, hammer, saw and paint. But whatever can they be making? An ingeniously designed book with a fun surprise ending.
Bizzy Bear has a very special DIY project planned and he needs lots of tools, and help, to do the job. Young children will love helping Bizzy, Eric, Ralph and Freddy measure, hammer, saw and paint. But whatever can they be making? An ingeniously designed book with a fun surprise ending.
خطط الدفع السهلة
مزيد من المعلومات
Another winning title in this hit series - over 850,000 sold so far! A sturdy board book with five robust mechanisms and flaps to lift. Perfect for inspiring imaginative play.
Bizzy Bear has a very special DIY project planned and he needs lots of tools, and help, to do the job. Young children will love helping Bizzy, Eric, Ralph and Freddy measure, hammer, saw and paint. But whatever can they be making? An ingeniously designed book with a fun surprise ending.
Bizzy Bear has a very special DIY project planned and he needs lots of tools, and help, to do the job. Young children will love helping Bizzy, Eric, Ralph and Freddy measure, hammer, saw and paint. But whatever can they be making? An ingeniously designed book with a fun surprise ending.
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