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الرجال من المريخ والنساء من الزهرة | د. جون غراي
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Al Rejal Min Al Mareekh Wa Al Nisaa Min Al Zehra is the famous book by John Gray "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" translated into Arabic. It describes John's perspective on how men and women understand each other in a relationship.
- Distributed in the Middle East by Jarir
- Famous book by John Gray translated into the Arabic language
- Exclusive Edition available for the Middle Eastern reader
- Distributed in the Middle East by Jarir
- Famous book by John Gray translated into the Arabic language
- Exclusive Edition available for the Middle Eastern reader
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Al Rejal Min Al Mareekh Wa Al Nisaa Min Al Zehra is the famous book by John Gray "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" translated into Arabic. It describes John's perspective on how men and women understand each other in a relationship.
- Distributed in the Middle East by Jarir
- Famous book by John Gray translated into the Arabic language
- Exclusive Edition available for the Middle Eastern reader
- Distributed in the Middle East by Jarir
- Famous book by John Gray translated into the Arabic language
- Exclusive Edition available for the Middle Eastern reader
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